Як выкарыстоўваць лагатып FSC

Этычныя спажыўцы па ўсім свеце давяраюць таварным знакам FSC на тысячах этыкетак прадуктаў, найбольш пазнавальны сярод іх знакаміты лагатып FSC.

logo bowl

Хто можа выкарыстоўваць таварныя знакі FSC?

Калі вы з'яўляецеся арганізацыяй або прыватнай асобай, якая хоча выкарыстоўваць таварныя знакі FSC, вы мусіце належаць да адной з наступных катэгорый:

  1. Certificate holders

    If you are an FSC certificate holder:

    • you have the opportunity to apply the FSC label to your products
    • you may include the FSC logo on sales and promotional materials, showing sustainable credentials to your buyers
    • you have access to the online label generator that creates on-product labels in over 60 languages, and an online marketing toolkit providing ideas for promoting certification and certified products
    • you have access to an online trademark training that covers the fundamentals of FSC trademarks and their correct use. 

    For more information and trademark use approvals please contact your certification body.


  2. Promotional Licence Holders

    If you are a company selling FSC-certified products, or an organization that uses FSC-certified products as part of your operations or business:

    • you have the opportunity to use the logo to promote the FSC-certified and labelled products you sell or use
    • you have access to the FSC trademark portal and online marketing toolkit
    • you must be licensed with your national or regional FSC trademark service provider and obtain pre-approval for trademark use

    For more information please contact your FSC national or regional office.

    Click below to see the FSC Trademark Use Guide For Promotional Licence Holders.

  3. Education, research, media and other public institutions

    If you are working with media, academia or other public institutions:

    • you can incorporate the FSC logo into articles that discuss FSC, research, etc.
    • you must register with your national or regional FSC trademark service provider to use the FSC trademarks 

    For more information please contact your FSC national or regional office.


Access Instructions - Trademark Training for Certificate Holders .pdf
PDF, Памер: 359.74KB
FSC-STD-50-001 V2-0_EN_0 (1).pdf
PDF, Памер: 1.04MB
Trademark Quick Guide.pdf
PDF, Памер: 5.26MB
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